This refers to the set of services using library materials for references, intellectual growth through reading, and connecting to global information, and provides informative activities and materials designed to meet student learning adjustments and requirements. All bona-fide PCCM students, faculty/employees, officials, alumni, and visiting users with referral letters can avail of the services and use the resources of the library. Library cards are issued and validated at the start of the semester. An officially enrolled student must have a library card in order to avail the resources and services of the library.
- Students may borrow books three titles at a time. A book can be borrowed for one (1) day; the request for the borrowing of the same book(s)may be renewed if there are no prior requests or reservation of the same by other borrowers.
- Reserved books are only allowed for library and classroom use for only an hour and maybe extended for another hour if there are no prior requests from other users.
- General reference materials (I.e. theses, pamphlets, journals, magazines, and other periodical materials) must be read within the library premises only.
- Only books from Circulation, Filipiniana and Fiction are allowed for check-out usage. Nevertheless, reserved books and single copy books may be charged overnight provided that it will be checked-out at 5:30 P.M. and should be returned the following day at exactly 8:00 A.M.
- Failure to return books on the due dates, a community service in the library is to be rendered by the student.
- A lost book must be reported immediately to the librarian; and
- A lost book must be replaced with the same title or the latest edition of the book.
Internet Access: The internet use in the library is only intended for academic and research purposes.
Visiting and Inter-Library Users: Outside researchers may use the library resources and services provided that have secured a letter of recommendation from their respective librarians. Library users should observe proper use of library resources and maintain decorum.
Clearance: Every end of the semester, students are required to surrender their library cards for clearance purposes. In case of loss, two hours community service to the library shall be rendered by the students.
Note: A delinquent borrower is restricted to use the library and its resources unless he/she settled all accounts due.