Students are eligible to free higher education provided that they qualify and meet all the admission and retention requirements of the College.
The Academic Council shall periodically review and formulate if deemed necessary the provision for scholarship and retention policy of the College in accordance with pertinent scholarship and retention standards by regulatory bodies and agencies. All PCCM students are scholars. They are either classified as Full (UAQTEA/UniFAST) or Socialized Scholars.
- The Retention Policy is guided with the six (6-point system) stated as follows:
Failed in Subjects | 2.00 points |
No performance in the New Normal SECURE Program | 1.00 point |
Failed due to Absences (converted to: non-submission of learning guides weeks 2 to 8) | 2.00 points |
Incomplete Grade (INC) | .50 |
Officially Dropped (OD) | .25 |
- In the New Normal SECURE Program, the student(s) must participate in at least 2 (two) from among the 8 (eight) subprograms in each semester.
- Incurred six (6) or more points within the semester and/or in the duration of the program, the student will be disqualified from the Free Higher Education Program (F-HEP). (See: Sample Cumulative Computation of the Six-point System Matrix).
- Classes with Face-to Face, the stipulated rules in the 2017 SHB on the Retention Policy Guidelines and 6 points system shall automatically take effect.
- Student(s) who incurred one (1) failed subject shall be permitted to enroll a regular load; however, if the failed subject is a pre-requisite, he / she (irregular student) shall not be permitted to enroll the regular load.
- Student(s) involvement in socio-civic activities or the new normal SECURE Program is necessary to ensure their holistic development. This is part of the Outcomes-Based Education performance incorporated in the unique curriculum of the College.
- Student(s) who do not meet the requirements stated above shall be converted to Socialized Scholarship provisions whereby the student shall have to pay the corresponding matriculation-tuition, miscellaneous and other fees.
- Student(s) under Socialized Scholarship who failed in one (1) subject shall be grounds for the dissolution of his / her stay from the College.

- F-HEP: Free Higher Education Program
- SECURE Program: Student Socio-Civic Engagement Activities
- Socialized Scholars: Students who incurred 6 points and are disqualified in the F-HEP are considered voluntary paying students
- TDP: Tulong-Dunong Program
- TES: Tertiary Education Subsidy
- UAQTEA: Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act
The College shall recognize scholarship and financial aids given to students by local government agencies and officials, by the Commission on Higher Education, by private individuals and corporate benefactors. For those types of scholarships/financial aids, endorsements by the College, through the Office of the President, shall be given only if the student applicant has no failing, incomplete or dropped grade in any of his/her subjects in the current semester and the same is not guilty of any major offense defined in the student’s handbook.
The determination of scholarship grant is on semestral basis. The application for retention/renewal of free scholarship grant shall be filed to the PCCM’s UniFAST Committee (TES / TDP), which shall verify the grade requirements that adhere to the retention policy and the required absence of major disciplinary cases. The student concerned must been enrolled for at least 18 units in the semester in which the student will be evaluated.
The PCCM UniFAST Committee (TES / TDP) shall establish a mechanism to determine students with multiple scholarship grants or financial aids. It shall ensure that duplication of scholarship/financial aids is avoided and that grants are justly administered.
List of students who applied and qualified for other scholarship grants and financial assistance programs (i.e., STUFAP, Governor’s Scholarship Grant, Congressional Scholarship Grant, DSWD and Barangay Financial Assistance, Tulong-Dunong, 4Ps, NGO and Private Institution Scholarship and Financial Assistance Programs and Foundations, among others) is submitted to the PCCM’s UniFAST Committee (TES/TDP) for notification for the proper administration and determination of grants. Financial Assistance Programs and Foundations, among others) is submitted to the PCCM UniFAST Committee (TES) for notification for the proper administration and determination of grants.
Note: All College Freshmen (Entrance Scholars) who qualified during the admission are considered Full Scholars, free of tuition, miscellaneous and other school fees (See: IRR of UAQTEA / UniFAST or R.A. 10931 – Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017). If a student fails to meet the prescribed retention policy, he/she shall be converted to Socialized Scholarship grant whereby the student needs to pay corresponding fees. Students under the Socialized Scholarship are to comply with the same documentary procedures and requirements for the Opt-out students (i.e., Student Waiver Form, Notarized undertaking for payment of fees).
For students under the UniFAST, the following are the grounds for disqualification:
- Failure to meet the requirements prescribed in the admission and
retention policy. - Failure to enroll without official leave of absence.
- Failure to meet the required general weighted average and/or incurring any disqualifying grade including failed, incomplete, and dropped grade or reached the maximum 6 points of the PCCM Retention Policy.
- Adjudged guilty of any major offense defined in the student handbook.